Supporting Learning (SL) believes education should be engaging, fun, creative and achievable for all. We want you focusing on building relationships and engaging your students rather than creating resources and curriculums, so our workbooklets are visual, active, practical and affordable and the SL themes are relevant, flexible and engaging. We make sure it is about the RIGHT resource, for the RIGHT student at the RIGHT time!!! Enjoy browsing!
Supporting Learning (SL) believes education should be engaging, fun, creative and achievable for all. We want you focusing on building relationships and engaging your students rather than creating resources and curriculums, so our workbooklets are visual, active, practical and affordable and the SL themes are relevant, flexible and engaging. We make sure it is about the RIGHT resource, for the RIGHT student at the RIGHT time!!! Enjoy browsing!
A 40 page science unit of work and workbooklet written for special education students. Filled with active, visual and practical tasks about defining electricity, static and circuit electricity, circuit diagrams, batteries, conductors, insulators, voltage, magnets, magnetic fields, electromagnet and more. With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist science teacher can deliver this workbooklet with confidence, science teachers can add ideas, and many student will self-direct their learning.
Workbooklet also includes Additional Teaching Suggestions, Learning Checklists, Learning Feedback sheets.
A 26 page science unit of work and workbooklet developed for special education students. Filled with active, visual and practical tasks about different types of disasters, natural disasters, impacts of disasters, investigating disasters, the role of science, case studies and more. With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist science teacher can deliver this workbooklet with confidence, science teachers can add ideas, and many student will self-direct their learning.
Workbooklet also includes Additional Teaching Suggestions, Learning Checklists, Learning Feedback sheets.
A 41 page unit of work and workbooklet for special education students. Filled with active, visual and practical tasks about anatomy, physiology, bones, muscles, joints, blood, heart & circulation, respiration, breathing, senses, disease & repair, body chemistry, knowledge of science in sport, medical science and more. With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist science teacher can deliver this workbooklet with confidence, science teachers can add ideas, and many student will self-direct their learning.
Workbooklet also includes Additional Teaching Suggestions, Learning Checklists, Learning Feedback sheets.
A 33 page unit of work and workbooklet designed for special education students. Filled with active, visual and practical tasks about metal or non-metal, different metals, metal properties, conductors, insulators, metal reactions, and effects, reactivity scale, acids and metals, corrosion and more. With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist science teacher can deliver this workbooklet with confidence, science teachers can add ideas, and many student will self-direct their learning.
Workbooklet also includes Additional Teaching Suggestions, Learning Checklists, Learning Feedback sheets.
A 42 page science unit of work and workbooklet for lower secondary science, primary science or special education students. Filled with active, visual and practical tasks about water sources & supply, water cycle, transpiration, evaporation, drought, floods, erosion, rocks, caves, fossils, rock cycle and more. With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist science teacher can deliver this workbooklet with confidence, science teachers can add ideas, and many student will self-direct their learning.
Workbooklet also includes Additional Teaching Suggestions, Learning Checklists, Learning Feedback sheets.
THREE fantastic units of work that focus on basic literacy skills for special education students - reading, writing, speaking (1) READ IT is about using everyday reading skills in different contexts (2) WRITE IT focuses on using a variety of writings tools to share information, with plenty of writing tasks (3) SPEAK IT helps students develop confidence around their speaking and listening skills.
Each workbooklet is filled with active, visual and practical tasks for students with special educational needs and offers staff flexibility about who delivers the workbooklet and how many tasks are completed.
With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist teacher or teacher aide can deliver this workbooklet with confidence, add ideas and many student will self-direct their learning.
Each workbooklet also includes a Student Learning Checklist and Assessment for Learning Feedback sheets.
THREE fantastic units of work for students with special educational needs that focus on keeping safe in the modern world. (1) PERSONAL SAFETY is about everyday challenges at school and home. (2) CYBER SAFETY focuses on using technology and keeping safe in modern times. (3) ROAD SAFETY helps students be aware and alert when on or near roads and with other drivers.
With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist teacher or teacher aide can deliver all these workbooklet with confidence, add ideas and many students will self-direct their learning as they work through tasks.
Each workbooklet also includes a Student Learning Checklist and Assessment for Learning feedback sheets.
THREE fantastic units of work for SEN students that focus on body parts & functions, moving around and using your memory (1) BODY PARTS is about identify different body parts & functions and using them (2) MOVING AROUND focuses on a students movement, environment and spatial awareness (3) USING OUR MEMORIES helps students use their memory for everyday tasks, using visual and audio clues and linking memories together.
Each workbooklet is filled with active, visual and practical tasks for primary or lower secondary and special education students and offers staff flexibility about who delivers the workbooklet and how many tasks are completed.
With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist teacher or teacher aide can deliver this workbooklet with confidence, add ideas and many student will self-direct their learning.
Each workbooklet also includes a Student Learning Checklist and Assessment for Learning Feedback sheets.
THREE fantastic units of work for SEN students that focus on research and presentation skills that can be used with any student and subject. (1) RESEARCH IT - SKILLS & THE WIDER WORLD is about linking information with current, social and wider world events and using research skills to find information. (2) PRESENT IT - TOOLS & SPECIAL PROJECTS focuses on using a variety of presentation tools to share information, including technology and voice communication tools. (3) RESEARCH - SKILLS MAKING SENSE helps students develop more research skills that can be used in any subject and for any project.
Each workbooklet is filled with active, visual and practical tasks for special education students and offers staff flexibility about who delivers the workbooklet and how many tasks are completed.
With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist teacher or teacher aide can deliver this workbooklet with confidence, add ideas and many student will self-direct their learning.
Each workbooklet also includes a Student Learning Checklist and Assessment for Learning Feedback sheets.
THREE fantastic units of work for SEN students that focus on our students emotions, reactions and support for students. (1) EMOTIONS is about recognising different emotions, expressions and situations. (2) EMOTIONS & REACTIONS focuses on our reactions to situations both emotional and physical. (3) SUPPORT helps students be aware of different support options that exist at school, locally and nationwide.
Each workbooklet is filled with active, visual and practical tasks for special education students and offers staff flexibility about who delivers the workbooklet and how many tasks are completed.
With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist teacher or teacher aide can deliver this workbooklet with confidence, add ideas and many student will self-direct their learning.
Each workbooklet also includes a Student Learning Checklist and Assessment for Learning Feedback sheets.
THREE fantastic units of work that focus on research and presentation skills that can be used with any student and subject. (1) RESEARCH IT - SKILLS & THE WIDER WORLD is about linking information with current, social and wider world events and using research skills to find information. (2) PRESENT IT - TOOLS & SPECIAL PROJECTS focuses on using a variety of presentation tools to share information, including technology and voice communication tools. (3) RESEARCH - SKILLS MAKING SENSE helps students develop more research skills that can be used in any subject and for any project.
Each workbooklet is filled with active, visual and practical tasks for primary or lower secondary and special education students and offers staff flexibility about who delivers the workbooklet and how many tasks are completed.
With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist teacher or teacher aide can deliver this workbooklet with confidence, add ideas and many student will self-direct their learning.
Each workbooklet also includes a Student Learning Checklist and Assessment for Learning Feedback sheets.
THREE fantastic units of work that focus on basic literacy skills - reading, writing, speaking (1) READ IT is about using everyday reading skills in different contexts (2) WRITE IT focuses on using a variety of writings tools to share information, with plenty of writing tasks (3) SPEAK IT helps students develop confidence around their speaking and listening skills.
Each workbooklet is filled with active, visual and practical tasks for primary or lower secondary and special education students and offers staff flexibility about who delivers the workbooklet and how many tasks are completed.
With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist teacher or teacher aide can deliver this workbooklet with confidence, add ideas and many student will self-direct their learning.
Each workbooklet also includes a Student Learning Checklist and Assessment for Learning Feedback sheets.
THREE fantastic units of work that focus on basic literacy skills - listening, visuals, technology (1) SOUNDS & MUSIC is about recognising everyday sounds, listening mindfully, exploring music and songs (2) FILMS & DOCUMENTARIES focuses on viewing a variety of visual tools through films and documentaries and linking ideas (3) TECHNOLOGY & APPS helps students develop awareness around apps that help them explore ideas and themes and how technology has changed over years.
Each workbooklet is filled with active, visual and practical tasks for primary or lower secondary and special education students and offers staff flexibility about who delivers the workbooklet and how many tasks are completed.
With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist teacher or teacher aide can deliver this workbooklet with confidence, add ideas and many student will self-direct their learning.
Each workbooklet also includes a Student Learning Checklist and Assessment for Learning Feedback sheets.
THREE more fantastic SEN literacy workbooklets and units of work that embed day-to-day literacy skills within three different themes for SEN students. USE YOUR WORDS (4) WORK literacy is about exploring different work skills, interests, CV's, work pathways, preparing for work etc. (5) EDUCATION focuses on using key literacy skills within different learning options, technology, support, research and presentation etc. (6) CULTURE & TRADITION explores using key literacy skills to look at your country, cultures, traditions, language, etc . to embed different read, write, speak, listening and visual literacy skills.
Each SEN workbooklet is filled with active, visual and practical tasks for SEN students and offers staff flexibility about who delivers the workbooklet and how many tasks are completed.
With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist teacher or teacher aide can deliver this workbooklet with confidence, add ideas and many student will self-direct their learning.
THREE fantastic SEN literacy workbooklets and units of work that embed day-to-day literacy skills within three different themes for SEN students. (1) DAILY LIVING literacy is about using different messages, calls, documents, technology and visual literacy for daily living. (2) RECREATION focuses on using key literacy skills within health, fitness, wellbeing and community contexts. (3) COMMUNITY using key literacy through community and social interactions to embed different read, write, speak, listening and visual literacy skills.
Each SEN workbooklet is filled with active, visual and practical tasks for SEN students and offers staff flexibility about who delivers the workbooklet and how many tasks are completed.
With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist teacher or teacher aide can deliver this workbooklet with confidence, add ideas and many student will self-direct their learning.
FOUR fantastic units of work that focus on using, understanding and simple design with different materials. DESIGN IT - A PERFECT PLAN is technology focused for hard/soft materials, adapting materials simple design concepts, need/wants and planning projects. DESIGN IT (1) - HARD or RESISTANT materials has wood, metal, plastic projects. DESIGN IT (2) has SOFTER material projects like paper, fabric, wool, food etc. DESIGN IT (3) combines a lot of the ideas to upcycle and use simple craft skills with materials around us.
With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist teacher or teacher aide can deliver all these workbooklet with confidence, add ideas and many students will self-direct their learning as they work through tasks.
Each workbooklet also includes a Student Learning Checklist and Assessment for Learning feedback sheets.
FOUR fantastic units of work that focus on keeping safe in the modern world. (1) PERSONAL SAFETY is about everyday challenges at school and home. (2) CYBER SAFETY focuses on using technology and keeping safe in modern times. (3) ROAD SAFETY helps students be aware and alert when on or near roads and with other drivers. (4) WATER SAFETY looks through different everyday and holiday water hazards and strategies for keeping safe.
With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist teacher or teacher aide can deliver all these workbooklet with confidence, add ideas and many students will self-direct their learning as they work through tasks.
Each workbooklet also includes a Student Learning Checklist and Assessment for Learning feedback sheets.
FOUR fantastic units of work for SEN students focusing on using simple design ideas with different materials. DESIGN IT - A PERFECT PLAN is technology focused for hard/soft materials, adapting materials simple design concepts, need/wants and planning projects. DESIGN IT (1) - HARD or RESISTANT materials has wood, metal, plastic projects. DESIGN IT (2) has SOFTER material projects like paper, fabric, wool, food etc. DESIGN IT (3) combines a lot of the ideas to upcycle and use simple craft skills with materials around us.
With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist teacher or teacher aide can deliver all these workbooklet with confidence, add ideas and many students will self-direct their learning as they work through tasks.
Each workbooklet also includes a Student Learning Checklist and Assessment for Learning feedback sheets.
FOUR fantastic units of work that focus on keeping safe in the modern world. (1) PERSONAL SAFETY is about everyday challenges at school and home. (2) CYBER SAFETY focuses on using technology and keeping safe in modern times. (3) ROAD SAFETY helps students be aware and alert when on or near roads and with other drivers. (4) WATER SAFETY looks through different everyday and holiday water hazards and strategies for keeping safe.
With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist teacher or teacher aide can deliver all these workbooklet with confidence, add ideas and many students will self-direct their learning as they work through tasks.
Each workbooklet also includes a Student Learning Checklist and Assessment for Learning feedback sheets.
SIX NEW SEN literacy workbooklets and units of work that embed day-to-day literacy skills within SIX different themes for SEN students to apply their skills and knowledge. (1) DAILY LIVING literacy is about using different messages, calls, documents, technology and visual literacy for daily living. (2) RECREATION focuses on using key literacy skills within health, fitness, wellbeing and community contexts. (3) COMMUNITY using key literacy through community and social interactions to embed different read, write, speak, listening and visual literacy skills. (4) WORK literacy is about exploring different work skills, interests, CV's, work pathways, preparing for work etc. (5) EDUCATION focuses on using key literacy skills within different learning options, technology, support, research and presentation etc. (6) CULTURE & TRADITION explores using key literacy skills to look at your country, cultures, traditions, language, etc . to embed different read, write, speak, listening and visual literacy skills.
Each SEN workbooklet is filled with active, visual and practical literacy tasks for SEN students and offers staff flexibility about who delivers the workbooklet and how many tasks are completed.
With an easy-to-follow format, a non-specialist teacher or teacher aide can deliver this workbooklet with confidence, add ideas and many student will self-direct their learning.